Times are subject to change.
8:30 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
Welcome Remarks
Troy Schneider, President, GovExec 360
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Troy Schneider, President, GovExec 360
8:35 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
Leading by Example
Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer, US Government, National Archives and Records Administration
Agencies such as NARA have been steadily working to implement and improve their records management systems and capabilities. Hear from some of those experts who put those systems in place and how they work.
On Demand
9:05 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
Out With The Manual, In With The Digital
Courtney Finger, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Conga
Carolyn Hoffner, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Conga
Underwritten by: Conga
Hear from Conga in FCW's Electronic Records Management Workshop
On Demand
9:25 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
To The Fullest Extent Possible
Susan Little, Director, Division of Records and Information Systems/CMS Records Officer, Issuances, Records and Information Systems Group (IRISG), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Agencies have been planning to implement the M-19-21 by contracting for an ERM System. Can they check the box? Are they done? How do agencies address the people, the paper and media neutral records schedules?
On Demand
9:50 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
How to Capture, Store, Discover and Classify Relevant Electronic Data and Meet M-19-21 Goals
Sam Elbeck, Sr. Director for Digital Compliance, Veritas
Underwritten by: Veritas
Hear from Veritas at the FCW Electronic Records Management Workshop
On Demand
10:10 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
Coffee Break
10:15 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
Integrating Information Management Practices into an Agency’s Culture
Christopher Magee, Records and Information Management Program Manager, WAPA
Having a workforce that understands what information needs to be preserved can be challenging. Integrating information management practices into an agency’s culture helps power an effective transition to electronic government.
On Demand
10:40 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
M-19-21 Reality Check
Walter Bohorfoush, Director of the Record Management Office and the Information Governance Team Lead, Department of Transportation
What were we able to do since June of 2019. What did we want to do? What does the future (portend?) hold for ERM after June 1, 2023.
On Demand
11:05 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 14
EPA’s Records Management Transformation
Paulette Murray, Acting Division Director for the ERM Division, Environmental Protection Agency
Andrew Yuen, Records Management Technology Team (RMTT) Lead, Agency Records Management System (ARMS) Program Manager, Enterprise Records Management Division (ERMD)
Eduvirgen Peralta-Cruz, Headquarters Digitization Program Manager, Enterprise Records Management Division (ERMD)
This session will showcase EPA's National Digitization Program (NDP): Accelerated Implementation from the Paper Asset Tracking Tool to the New Platform for storing files and performing records management functions.
On Demand
11:30 AM EDT
Wednesday, October 12
Closing Remarks
Troy Schneider, President, GovExec 360