Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management Guidelines
Mr. Boyens will discuss NIST SP 161 Revision 1, released May 2022 as well as NIST guidance under Executive Order 14028 on software supply chain security
More On Demand
September 21, 2022
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Troy Schneider, President, GovExec 360
Opening Keynote Conversation
Hear Camille Stewart Gloster provide an Update on Policy, Governance and Progress at the Supply Chain Workshop
Advantages of a secure cloud for supply chain organizations
Hear from SAP NS2 at the Supply Chain Workshop
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Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management Guidelines
Mr. Boyens will discuss NIST SP 161 Revision 1, released May 2022 as well as NIST guidance under Executive Order 14028 on software supply chain security
Supply Chain Resilience in a Time of Techtonic Geopolitical Shifts
For decades, the confluence of globalization and digitization drove supply chains toward increasing complexity, optimization, opaqueness, and insecurity. These physical and digital ties are fracturing at a rapid pace along geopolitical fault lines, powered by growing interstate hostilities, global trade wars, the Splinternet and emerging technologies, and an unprecedented pace of regulatory change. This session will detail the challenges and opportunities associated with these ‘techtonic’ shifts and how organizations can take steps toward greater resilience during significant geopolitical uncertainty.
Introduction to NASA’s Information & Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management (ICT SCRM) Processes
Hear from Kanitra Tyler, NASA at the Supply Chain Workshop
Technology Insights
Hear from ServiceNow at the Supply Chain Workshop
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Standards & Certifications - Enabling SCRM for COTS
Supply Chain Risk Management is an important aspect of the National Security Agency’s policies and processes. The Department of Defense is increasingly dependent on commercial products that provide elements of our cybersecurity. As part of the agency’s Cybersecurity Collaboration Center, the Standards and Certifications Team plays a significant role in shaping the marketplace for these products across the lifecycle of development. Through its leadership in standards bodies (ensuring that critical security requirement are built into the standards that commercial products implement) and its leadership of the National Information Assurance Partnership (which sets the testing requirements for commercial products that protect classified information and systems,) the agency team establishes a baseline that products will be built to and tested against.
This presentation will provide an overview of NSA’s standards and certifications programs and highlight a few of the initiatives within the directorate for SCRM, and how the programs raise the level of security in commercial products that protect national security systems and the defense industrial base.