FCW Workshop: TeleworkâHybrid and Forever?
In June 2021, the federal government was optimistic about returning to offices in the summer and began planning for reentry with new guidelines. The Delta variant surge paused those plans and caused a reexamination of the future work plans.
Learn how agencies are adjusting to host of new and continuing challenges: a long term remote workforce, the technology and security challenges they face, how they are changing the way they manage the workforce. In addition, the workshop will address the implications the new working environment has on the future of hiring and retention of workers, as well as what it means for the broad range of facilities that used to house the workers.
Attendees will come away from this event with a better understanding of:
•the President’s Management Council’s reentry plans and guidelines for work hours
•the latest guidance from OPM on remote work eligibility agencies&rsquo
•evolving plans for reopening offices
•tools for connecting teams in a remote work world and securing those connections
•developing team work and agency culture in a remote work world
•how remote work has contributed cost savings for agencies.
Free for Government/Military*
Industry/Contractor: $199
Washington Technology Insider: $165
*must provide valid .gov/.mil email address for government registration. Embedded contractors are subject to Industry price
GovExec is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: www.nasbaregistry.org.